Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Janet Hopkins

Hi folks,

As you scatter for Thanksgiving, remember that the day we return--Monday, November 28--is Janet Hopkins's master class from 3-5 pm. Your USGA dollars are at work: enjoy this wonderful class and ask any questions you may have of this wonderful woman. Also, she is available for lessons the following morning. Sign-up times are on my door.

Happy Turkey Day!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Janet Hopkins returns!

The master class with MET diva Janet Hopkins will take place Monday, November 28 from 3-5 pm. This is the day we return from Thanksgiving, and is a great opportunity to work on a jury piece. Please notify your teacher if you would like to sing for her.
Miss Hopkins is also available for private lessons at a reduced rate on Tuesday morning the 29th. You may sign up for half hour or hour slots. If the times are filled or don't work with your schedule, please email me and I'll see if she can work at additional times. She plans to arrive midday Monday.
Don't miss these events, open to all UAB students and sponsored by USGA.