Monday, August 29, 2011

SNATS workshops for the fall

Following are the diction workshops and other activities we discussed: all will take place in the choir room from 3-4 pm.

Wednesday, September 7: Diction with Dr. Cho

Wednesday, September 14: Diction with Dr. Cho

Monday, September 19: Master class with Guest Artists (TBC)

Monday, September 26: Diction with Dr. Cho

Monday, October 3: Fitness for Singers with Eric Agee

Monday, October 10: Diction with Dr. Cho

Wednesday, October 19: Diction with Dr. Cho

Monday, October 24: Yoga with Dr. Kris (in Hulsey 312)

Wednesday, November 2: Diction with Dr. Cho

Monday, November 7: Diction with Dr. Cho

Wednesday, November 16: Diction with Dr. Cho

Monday, November 28: Diction with Dr. Cho

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Yoga For Singers class

Monday, August 28 from 3-4 is our first SNATS activity...YOGA FOR SINGERS! Everyone, regardless of experience or physical fitness, is welcome to come. Poses can be adjusted to your comfort level. Bring comfortable clothes you can move and stretch in, and a yoga mat or towel (or "sticky" yoga socks). Everyone is welcome: this is not restricted to SNATS members. Bring a friend!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

SNATS University Group Status

UAB Student Involvement has several requirements for our SNATS group to continue receiving funding. Each year every student organization is required to renew in order to keep their status with the university. The student organization renewal and registration process will open on August 1st, 2011. You MUST have your student organization renewed by September 30th.

In addition to renewing your profile, in order to maintain your registered status organization officers MUST attend the student organization orientation on Sunday, August 21, 2011 from 1pm until 4pm. PUT THIS IN YOUR CALENDARS NOW, PLEASE! Other officers and members of your organization are more than welcome to attend. All students that plan to attend must RSVP on BSync. (Note: You must be logged into BSync to access the event RSVP.) There will be a variety of sessions offered to fit every officer position. Having multiple members attend this training is a great resource to prepare your organization for the rest of the year. We'll talk about this in our first meeting. Advisors MUST attend the mandatory advisor information session on Monday, August 15th at 5:00 PM: I'm planning on attending this.

Finally, the Department of Student Life will host its annual Student Life Day Organization Expo on The Green on Thursday, August 25 from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Student Life Day is a fair designed to inform students about life beyond the classroom at UAB. We invite you to showcase your organization and to be available to answer questions from students about your organization. I'm happy to help with this: be thinking about who is available. We can do it in 15 or 30 minute increments, to lighten everyone's load.

This event is meant to be festive as well as educational. Please feel free to decorate your table and surrounding area. You are also encouraged to offer promotional items, candy, etc. at your table. Please limit the number of volunteers at your table to no more than three. Student Life will be serving free refreshments. To register your organization for a table please fill out the online form. Please have your confirmation completed and returned by Friday, August 19, 2011.

See you soon! First fall meeting: TBA. Stay tuned and enjoy the rest of your summer.